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When examining "thought fluidity as a system," one discovers that "tolerance for lies" as a social attitude appears to be among the factors increasing world viscosity at the ultimate point of influence. Particularly, parents who excessively trivialize children's lies commit the primary sin.
While responsibility is generally considered something to be borne, taken, or fulfilled, I believe it should be an object to be diminished, worn down, and depleted. In essence, rather than something to avoid or keep at distance, it should be handled gradually with a digestive reduction mindset, treated as a "carrot before the horse."
The misuse of lies and responsibility early on rigidifies thought fluidity. Acquired thoughts generated based on expressions that subliminally fail to patch with one's instincts transform unbridled freedom into restricted freedom, drawing in the flow—essentially, a transformation of character. Energy in this restricted, inflexible state cannot fully combust (becomes lost), implying accumulation in the depths of the psyche, functioning like a gravity well that forces stagnation at nearby observation points. If we regard these accumulations as mass substitutes, their increase might serve as fitting evidence, considering how it reinforces this principle-based phenomenon.
The image of a single, unwavering core evoked by the word "axis" might be somewhat inevitable, but this represents a prime example of education's ironic gift. "Axis" ranks among the concepts requiring high-priority redefinition; succinctly put, an axis represents an established existence without existentiality—essentially, a spiral manifestation. A true axis ceases to be an axis once recognized. The surrounding influences come first, followed by the emergence of an equilibrial point and balance that remains unwavering as a system despite its void nature. Everyone reverses this order of comprehension (though note that establishing an axis need not be rotational).
However, mere reverse recognition (knowing the matrix exists) proves less problematic than becoming accustomed to abbreviated forms of reversal, where the matrix dissipates from consciousness, and in native environments, might not exist at all for the individual. Consciousness spirals around this distortion, asserting its own form while repeatedly losing its center of gravity.
Topological distortions perceptible as dissonance in consciousness's depths bear self-driving characteristics. This represents a peculiar resonance born between the will to maintain thought purity and the counter-will seeking to dissolve that very will. Within the interstices of opposition and this resonance, a systemic relationship called "axis" must surely exist.
While the notion of thought purity emerges from excessive trust in system self-preservation, consciousness at metaphysical turning points activates through contact with impurities. The invasion of foreign elements becomes a challenge right for gradation. Like an immune system evolving through encounters with foreign bodies, consciousness reorganizes itself through collisions with heterogeneous elements. These elements need not mean external invaders but function as essential foreign bodies—unknown lateral fault lines lurking in consciousness's depths, or undiscovered but living self-negativity inherent in consciousness itself.
From an ontological perspective, consciousness's collapse process isn't an inevitable fate; collapse omens act as catalysts in consciousness's self-organization. One must trust that manipulating self-collapse thresholds becomes displacement. The diminishing nature of responsibility mentioned earlier holds unique meaning in this context. Responsibility's inherent "weight-like" quality can generate asymmetric distortions in consciousness's phase space, allowing consciousness to seek new equilibrium points within its self-imposed gravitational field. Such "adjustment" terms provided hints for handling the word responsibility.
The gravity well's depth isn't determined solely by accumulated mass, and we must note how consciousness's self-referentiality's strange loop structure distorts the gravitational field itself. Consciousness's self-driving nature must also be understood as a system's emergent characteristic. This represents dynamics spontaneously generated within the system rather than following predetermined purposes or directions. These dynamics manifest complexity beyond external observation's grasp, as the act of observation itself fundamentally influences system behavior.
While singularity generation in consciousness's phase space remains unpredictable, it isn't random. Countless subtle variables lurking within the system participate in singularity formation. Though we cannot grasp them all, we can sense their existence through system behavior itself.
More practically, speaking boldly, your necessary singularity represents your desired bifurcation point, eternally performing preliminary motions to increase existence probability toward higher phenomena governing that desired point. If I must offer seemingly unscientific, last-resort advice, ignore the process leading to that existence probability and definitely spend daily time training in perfect synchronization with post-derivation emotions.
In this space, paradoxically, the very will to increase singularity emergence probability defines that singularity's nature. Accepting this paradox actually functions as an essential catalyst for singularity generation. Within attempts to predict its own unpredictability, consciousness acquires certainty at a dimension beyond prediction itself.