
Intuition and the Unconscious: Transcending Physicality and Sensory Perception

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直感と無意識の連携: 肉体性の超克と感覚の超越
※Click here to see this article written in English. 無意識の動作に意識的嫌悪感を伴う直感は、その精度を外すことがない。我々の無意識的行動は深層心理や本能に根差しており、嫌悪感とは潜在的自己...


The intuitive aversion accompanying unconscious actions unfailingly retains its precision. Our unconscious behaviors are deeply rooted in our subconscious and instincts, with aversion being part of an innate self-defense mechanism.

Transcending corporeality is the first step towards manifesting the pure form of the mind. Henri Bergson emphasized the value of intuition that surpasses reason, showcasing profound insights attainable through the temporary abandonment of structured thought. In my attempts to accurately translate the essence of meditation into words, I find the endeavor challenging. One plausible expression that might capture this accurately is "savoring the differential of breath."

Realizing that intuition can guide us toward truths that transcend our understanding reveals a paradoxical, conscious approach whereby the temporary renunciation of thought reaffirms our existence. This approach can be utilized as a hidden methodology for reaffirming the self, leveraging the profound insights gained from the abandonment of thought.

The disregard of first-person sensory experiences is crucial for respecting the perspectives of others. In daily life, judgments based solely on one's own senses often lead to errors in essential decisions, allowing for convenient evasion of accountability through sensory denial. The concept of the "original position" by John Rawls attempts to derive universal principles of justice by detaching from individual senses and interests. Recognizing that disregarding first-person sensory experiences can actually lead to respecting others' experiences and emotions presents a life with the choice to act with consideration and virtue. Once this understanding is achieved, it becomes impossible to return to ignorance, thereby imposing a unique form of constraint on one's life, which paradoxically might be the desired outcome.

However, within the skyscraper of existence, one can obtain the citizenship of a volatile nation where such entities transiently float, blurred and indistinct.


These three concepts—though superficially unrelated or slightly similar—are deeply interconnected. Overcoming corporeality grants mental freedom, the renunciation of thought deepens this freedom, and the disregard of first-person sensory experiences applies this freedom in relational contexts with others. From this understanding, we can discern a connective relationality between our core truths and our interactions with others.

The "present" is merely a result of the adherence to past dependencies, an adhesive observational outcome. In other words, from the perspective of continuity and incompletion, the present is fluidly dynamic, an extension of every past event. While stating that "the present extends from the continuity of the past" may be a conventional answer, the claim here is to assert that this interpretation is fundamentally incorrect within the context of this discourse.

This specific interpretation implies that "99.9% compilation accuracy" under the condition that demands "100% compilation accuracy" is fundamentally different. The present must be viewed not as a fixed state but as part of a constantly changing process. Recognizing this truth while simultaneously acknowledging its minimal practical influence, we affirm that the past need not be strictly continuous. The process is merely a footprint in the flow.

To effect change, the destruction of causal relationships is necessary, implying the need to transcend existing values and methodologies. This often-used expression, when examined superficially, may seem like a driving force for progress and creation, but when approached, it becomes a process, and when diverged, it becomes a flow. By perceiving the present as an intersection of past and future, we uncover possibilities for continuous change and growth. The precision of intuitive judgments linked to unconscious actions arises because the subconscious acutely perceives minute changes in reality. Individual experiences and learning are unconsciously accumulated, manifesting as instantaneous intuition. The destruction of causal relationships is essential for generating new perspectives and possibilities, with the method of collapse being at one's discretion, although humanity's default is cursed with proximity.

Understanding the fluidity of the present is fundamental to confronting radical changes. Viewing the present as an intersection of past and future nurtures an attitude that embraces change and continuously seeks new possibilities.

Mastering the experience of fluidity allows us to bypass the step of being moved by new insights, making them a matter of choice. Ultimately, for the recognition of minor sciences, when contradicted, it may seem to go against realistic aspects superficially, but pursuing this further reveals that it aligns with the sole correct answer that defies reality. The use of science and habits is akin to using the complementary event of blurred alternative interpretations, with the cost being a dulling of the senses.

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